***CLICK ON SMALL IMAGES TO GET A CLOSER LOOK**To save an image to your computer, right click and select "Save Image As..."*Name of Artist is listed ABOVE the artwork now! I changed it.
I submitted student artwork to "Celebrating Art," a program that publishes student artwork. Click Here to learn more. Many Fernwood students were chosen to be contestants in the final competition. All they need to do is turn in their parent permission slip forms. I will find out who the winners are in August. I will be sure to update you. Good Luck to the Fernwood Contestants!
Fish by Savannah
Quick Draw Painting by Robert
"Set the Turkeys Free" by Kamaree
Orange Portrait by Jada
Pastel Leaves by Ebony
Burch Cat by Devin
Quick Draw Painting by Demeyah
Fall Wind by Catariana
I submitted student artwork to "Celebrating Art", a program that publishes student artwork. Click Here to learn more. Many Fernwood students were chosen to be contestants in the final competition. All they need to do is turn in their parent permission slip forms. I will find out who the winners are in August. I will be sure to update you. Good Luck to the Fernwood Contestants!
Cityscape by Willie
Starry Night by Kenmari
I submitted student artwork to "Celebrating Art", a program that publishes student artwork. Click Here to learn more. Many Fernwood students were chosen to be contestants in the final competition. All they need to do is turn in their parent permission slip forms. I will find out who the winners are in August. I will be sure to update you. Good Luck to the Fernwood Contestants!
Masai Tribe Collage by Triniti
Cherry Blossom by Shemaree
Cherry Blossoms mark the beginning of spring, and the beginning of the school year in Japan. They are often seen in Japanese artwork, including manga and anime.
Artwork by Indiya
Artwork by Kenya and Alanchae
Artwork by Yuzerick
Artwork by Kiara L and Randy, Indiya, and Brianna T
The Kindergarten was practicing with scissors and learning to cut spirals. They decorated snakes to go with the deserts the other grades did.
Artwork by Erikiya
Artwork by Shmar
Artwork by Joshua
This was a school-wide collaborative artwork. Each student was given a page of the logo to design. To find out who the artists are, click on the image and you will find names written on the corner of each page.
Lashamere did the sorting and taping to put together the one below.
Lorraine did the sorting and taping to put together the one below.
Below is Ellusion's and Kiara W's
Below the "h" is by Kiara L, "e" be Shamaree, "s" by Mikayla, and the black and yellow paw is by Yuzerick.
Shark by Kiara B and Snail be Lashawn. I didn't mean for it to look like the shark is eating the snail, but it turned out that way by chance.
Guitar by Mark